Is the OOUX Certification Program right for you?

Still not sure what it actually means to practice Object-Oriented UX?

And if this program is right for you — right now? Fair enough. It's a big commitment and I want you to be excited and confident when you enroll.

So I made a short quiz that will help us see if you'll be head-over-heels for this program. I promise, this is NOT a loaded quiz designed to give everyone a "YES!" Actually, I end up saying NO to almost half of the folks who submit their answers! Here's the thing: I only want people who will be ecstatic about their results after our 10 weeks together. I want more phenomenal testimonials!

If you are tired of hectic and stressful design processes, frustrating miscommunications, and lack of clarity — let's do this.

Take the OOUX Certification Quiz.

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